articles | 17 May 2013

Cabinet slashes pensions for community leaders

The government yesterday decided to subsidise rent increases for businesses operating in government industrial estates while decreasing pension allowances for ex-community leaders.

Speaking from the Presidential Palace, deputy government spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos announced a series of measures adopted by cabinet yesterday, starting with a 10 per cent reduction in pension allowances of former community leaders.

“The reduction is part of efforts to consolidate public finances and due to the fact that community heads are otherwise employed and their retirement is covered by otherpension plans such as, for example, the social insurance fund, and others,” said Papadopoulos.

Cabinet also decided to provide a grant to cover the 15 per cent expected increase in rents in the next five years for businesses operating in government industrial areas.

This measure will apply from the date of the President’s announcement of measures to restart the economy on April 19, 2013.

The loss of revenue for the state in the next five years will come to around €3m.

The measure aims to help businesses renting properties on government industrial estates to minimise their costs, said Papadopoulos.

Cabinet yesterday approved a legal amendment related to President Nicos Anastasiades’ pledge to clean up the public sector and its reputation for wasting public money.

When tabling the state budget or the budget of any legal entity governed by public law to parliament, the legal amendment obliges the relevant body to submit a detailed report on compliance with and implementation of observations included in the latest annual report of the auditor-general.  

Other decisions taken yesterday by the council of ministers include the decision to donate two small buses in the possession of the Road Transport Department to the Cyprus Diabetic Association.

Also, a Cooperation Agreement was approved between the Cypriot and Greek foreign ministries related to overseas and repatriated nationals.

Papadopoulos explained that Cyprus and Greece will cooperate and coordinate activities related to supporting networks and organisational structures of overseas Hellenes, promoting national issues, returnee issues, and utilising EU funds for expatriates of member states.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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