articles | 28 July 2014

Cypriots a little less pessimistic about the economy

Even though more than nine out of ten Greek Cypriots believe the economy is bad, according to the latest Eurobarometer, they are relatively more optimistic in their overall opinions than the Autumn 2013 survey.

Europeans appear to be more optimistic about the economic situation and the future of the EU the Spring barometer shows.

The survey was conducted last month, with a sample of 1,000 interviewees from each EU member state and in the candidate countries. In Cyprus 500 people from each of the island’s two communities were interviewed.

More than seven out of ten Greek Cypriots believe that unemployment and the economic situation were the most important issues the country is facing, while Turkish Cypriots focused on their economic situation and inflation.

Some 58% of Greek Cypriots find their household’s financial situation good, and 40% said their job situation is good, a 13% increase over the previous survey.

As far as employment is concerned only 38% believes that the impact of the economic crisis on the job market has already reached its peak and 44% believes that they still face the risk of falling into poverty.

Greek Cypriots agree with the rest of their EU counterparts on the aspects of their daily life. More than eight out of ten like the quality of life in the area they live, the like their homes and they are satisfied with the state of their health.

“For the first time since the beginning of the financial crisis seven years ago, more Europeans think the economic situation will improve in the next twelve months and almost three out of four people do not expect a negative trend,” the European Commission said.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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