articles | 25 December 2014

Cyprus employment steady in Q3 2014

According to the results of the Labour Force Survey for the 3rd quarter of 2014, the number of employed persons amounted to 366,307 (men 187,314 and women 178,993) while the number of unemployed reached 69,895 (men 37,906 and women 31,989).

The employment rate for those aged 20-64 was 67.9% (men 72.1% and women 64%) remaining at the same level as the previous quarter (67.8%) and recording an increase on the same quarter of 2013 (67%).

The unemployment rate was 16% of the labour force (men 16.8% and women 15.2%) recording an increase from the previous quarter of 2014 (15.4%) and recording a decrease from the same quarter of 2013 (16.2%).

Also the unemployment rate for young people aged 15-24 amounted to 33.4% of the labour force, a decline from the previous quarter (37.2%) and the corresponding quarter of 2013 (38.5%).

Source: Cyprus Mail

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