On the basis of preliminary data, the total revenue amounted to €1.626,8 million, increased by 8.4% as compared to the corresponding period of 2015, while total expenditure reached €1.479,6 million, down by 2.7%, the Statistical Service announced.
The main categories of revenue for the period January-March 2016 were: taxes on production and imports €604,2 million (0.2% increase as compared to the corresponding quarter of 2015), of which VAT was €334,1 million (4.9% decrease), and taxes on income and wealth €386,8 million (1.5% increase). Revenue from sales of goods and services increased by 1.6% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year reaching €106,8 million.
The main categories of expenditure for the period January-March 2016 were: social transfers €587,4 million (7.9% increase), and compensation of employees (including imputed social contributions and pensions of civil servants) €500,1 million (5.2% decrease). Intermediate consumption reached €118,7 million (1.5% increase as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year).
Source: Famagusta Gazette