articles | 17 August 2020

Cyprus health ministry issues fresh epidemiological data

By August 11, a total of 1,278 coronavirus cases and 27 fatalities were in the Republic of Cyprus, with the case fatality rate standing at 2.1%, according to the Ministry of Health’s National Surveillance Report on coronavirus, published Thursday.

A total of 878 people or 70.2% of the total detected cases have recovered, the report said. Moreover, by August 11, the Republic of Cyprus had performed a total of 238,000 (27,172.1 per 100,000 population).

According to the report, among these cases, 15.6% are health-care workers (200).

Overall, of 1,119 cases for which the place of exposure was known, locally acquired infections (index cases and close-contacts of confirmed cases) were 855 (76.4%). Of these 6.7% (57) were related to a health-care facility (Paphos General Hospital) and 13% (111) were reported in the Aradippou municipality.

Since July 1, of the 289 cases reported, 31% (88) were imported, 63% (177) were locally-acquired and the source of 5% (15) was unknown.

In total, 15.3% (196) of cases received hospital care, and six (3.1%) are still hospitalised (either for treatment of COVID-19 symptoms or for pre-existing conditions). Median age of all hospitalized patients is 61.5 years and 63.3% are males. There are no patients in intensive care units.

Among cases alive, 878 (70.2%) cases have recovered (without symptoms and with two negative tests following their diagnosis or released 21 days after diagnosis).

Analyses are based on laboratory-confirmed cases notified to the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health. As of August 11, 1,278 laboratory-confirmed coronavirus cases have been reported. The median time between symptoms onset and date of sampling was 4 days.

It should be noted that for 27 cases, the date of sample collection was before the onset of symptoms because of immediate testing of contacts of possible and laboratory-confirmed cases. As of August   11, the 14-day cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 (per 100,000 population), a measure which reflects the number of active COVID-19 cases in the population (prevalence) 1, is 23.7 per 100,000 population.

Among these cases, 51.7% are male (661) and 48.3% female (617). The median age of cases is 41 years. By age group, cases included 94 infants, children and adolescents aged 0-17 years old (7.4%), 927 adults aged 18-59 years (72.5%), and 257 persons aged 60 years and older (20.1%).

Among all cases, 431 (33.7%) were reported in Nicosia, 323 (25.3%) in Larnaca, 219 (17.1%) in Limassol, 178 (13.9%) in Paphos, 67 (5.2%) in Famagusta, and 60 (4.7%) were reported either in the British bases or had a residence abroad, or information was not available.

Among the 1,278 cases, 15.6% are health-care workers (200), including 41 physicians (3.2%), 100 nurses (7.8%), 10 other health occupations (0.8%), and 49 auxiliary staff (3.8%).

Until August 11, place of exposure is available for 1,119 cases (87.6%). In total, 23.6% (264) of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-cases had history of travel or residence abroad during the 14 days prior to symptom onset (imported). Locally-acquired infections (index cases and close-contacts of confirmed cases) occurred in 76.4% (855 of 1,119 with known place of exposure) of the cases, of which 6.7% (57) were related to a healthcare facility (Paphos General Hospital). Of all cases in Aradippou (157), 111 (70.7%) were locally-acquired, 11 (7%) imported and for 35 cases (22.3%) the epidemiological link has yet to be found.

Since July 1, of 280 cases reported, 31% (88) were imported, and 63% (177) were locally-acquired and 5% (15) are unknown.

The majority of recent cases were reported in Limassol (35.7%, 100), where 79% of them (79) were locally-acquired.

Of the 1,278 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-cases, clinical information is available for 98.6% (1,260), of which 38.2% (481) reported no symptoms at diagnosis and 61.8% (779) reported at least one symptom. The most commonly reported symptoms were cough (355/1,243; 28.6%), fever (358/1,243; 28.8%), myalgia (240/1,240; 19.4%), sore throat (198/1,238; 16%), anosmia (143/1,151; 12.4%), and shortness of breath (124/1,223; 10.1%). Other reported symptoms were diarrhoea, runny nose, and headache.

Information on comorbidities was available for 1,155 (90.3%) cases. Of these, 405 (35.7%) reported at least one comorbidity. The most commonly reported comorbidities were hypertension (143/1,143; 12.5%), diabetes (81/1,149; 7.1%), heart disease (70/1,148; 6.1%), and cancer (29/1,155; 2.5%). Other reported comorbidities were immunosuppression, chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, and autoimmune disease.

Until of August 11, 27 deaths were reported in Cyprus (Case Fatality Rate-CFR: 2.1%). The mortality rate for COVID-19 is 3.1 per 100,000 population. The median age of all deaths was 76 years. Ten deaths were reported among residents in Larnaca, eight in Paphos, four in Nicosia, three in Famagusta, and two in Limassol.

The median time from date of sampling to death was 12 days. For 20 deaths, COVID-19 was the underlying cause of death (COVID-19 CFR: 1.6%).

In total, 15.3% (196) of people with COVID-19 received hospital care, and six (3.1%) are still hospitalised (either for treatment of COVID-19 symptoms or for pre-existing conditions). The median age of hospitalized patients was 61.5 years. Hospitalized cases were mainly males (124; 63.3%).

Overall, 32 cases (16.3% of all hospitalized patients) have been admitted to ICU, and currently there are no cases in ICU (as of August 11th). A total of 27 ICU patients (84.4% of all ICU patients) have been intubated, and currently there are no patients intubated. The overall median length of stay in ICU (for all 32ICU cases) was 11 days.

For patients who died while in ICU (18), the median length of stay in ICU was 13.5 days. For patients transferred/discharged alive from ICU (14), the median length of stay in ICU was 10.5 days. The median age of patients ever admitted to ICU was 65.5 years. ICU patients are mainly male (23; 71.9%).

Until August 11, among cases alive, 70.2% (878) of COVID-19 cases have recovered; of which 801 (91.2%) tested negative two consecutive times, and 77 (8.8%) have been released as per the new guidelines.

In Cyprus the reporting rate was 145.9 cases per 100,000 population, the mortality rate was 3.1 deaths per 100,000 population and the CFR was 2.1%.

In comparison, Italy has 415.6 cases per 100,000 population, the mortality rate was 58.3 deaths per 100,000 population and the CFR 14%, while in USA there are 1,548.1 cases per 100,000 population, with 49.7 mortality rate per 100,000 population and a CFR of 3.2%.

Source: Knews


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