articles | 16 August 2019

€1.1m in scholarships offered in energy studies

The ministry of energy, commerce and industry announced it is offering a total of €1.1m for scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including PhDs, for studies in hydrocarbon-related fields beginning in the 2019-2020 academic year.

The scholarship from the ministry will only apply for this academic year.

Regarding the remaining years of the candidate’s studies, these will be covered by the ministry provided that credits are available and based on the rank already secured by the candidate during the academic year 2019-2020.

An amount of €20,000 will be reserved exclusively for residents of the Vassilikos area (the communities of Mari, Zygi, Kalavasos, Tochni, Pentakomo, Maroni, Choirokitia, Asgata and Psevmatismos) for postgraduate Masters studies related to the Vassilikos energy centre (shipping, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering). The maximum amount for each scholarship is €20,000 per year and will cover tuition fees and a monthly allowance. The scholarships will cover only the required time of study as determined by the curriculum and not any delays due to unsatisfactory student performance.

Relevant fields of study for undergraduate programmes are the fields of petroleum and hydrocarbon engineering, geology, geophysics, and oil and gas management. Relevant fields for Masters and PhD programmes are subjects related to hydrocarbons.

The selection criteria for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including PhDs, are 80% based on academic status and 20% socioeconomic. These are required to secure an unconditional admission to a relevant tertiary institution.

The deadline for submission of applications is Friday, September 27.

Applicants must fill out an application form which is available at the ministry’s website

Source: Cyprus Mail

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