articles | 18 March 2021 | ServPRO

Establishment of UBO Register for Companies in Cyprus: Launch of Interim Solution

The Interim Solution providing for the establishment of an ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO) Register for Cypriot entities has launched on 16 March 2021 and is in operation. The obligation to identify and record all relevant information of the beneficial owner(s) who own or control entities burdens all Cypriot entities, including companies incorporated or registered under the Companies Act (Cap.113) and European public limited liability companies. Moreover, the Registrar of Companies has also announced that the final solution will be established following the conclusion of this Interim Solution and the collection of all UBO information.

For each natural person identified as a “beneficial owner” within the scope of The Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law (L.188(I)/2007), as amended, the following information must be recorded: full name, date of birth, nationality, residential address and identification document, the nature and extent of the beneficial interest held, the date on which the natural person was entered onto the register as a UBO and the date of changes in the particulars or on which the natural person has ceased to be a UBO. Categories of information are also applicable to trusts, foundations, other similar legal arrangements or listed companies as beneficial owners. In cases where no natural person is identified as the beneficial owner based on the ownership rights (or when there is doubt whether the person identified is the beneficial owner of a given entity) the details of the senior management official will be submitted. The responsibility for the submission of information lies with the given entity and its officials.

For new entities, which have been registered or incorporated after 16 March 2021, the deadline to record information onto the UBO Register is 30 days. For all other entities, the deadline is 6 months following the Interim Solution’s launch date (i.e., until 16 September 2021).

Companies and other legal entities affected by the implementation of the UBO Register are advised to liaise with their Administrative Service Providers (ASP) and Corporate & Legal advisers at their earliest opportunity to ensure compliance with the new legislative framework.

(This newsletter article is an update to our earlier article entitled: Establishment of UBO Register for companies in Cyprus: important update)

Cooperation Partners
  • Logo for Cyprus International Businesses Association
  • Logo for Invest Cyprus
  • Logo for Cyprus Shipping Chamber
  • Logo for Association of Cyprus Banks
  • Logo for Cyprus Investment Funds Association
  • Logo for Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Logo for Love Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism
  • Logo for CYFA Cyprus
  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism