articles | 17 June 2020 | ServPRO

Re-open EU: A new website to safely travel in the Europe

The European Commission has recently launched ‘Re-open EU’, a web platform to support a safe relaunch of travelling and tourism across Europe. It provides real-time information on borders and available means of transport and tourism services in EU Member States.

The platform includes practical information provided by Member States on travel restrictions, public health and safety measures such as physical distancing or wearing facemasks and other useful information. This will allow European citizens to take responsible and well-informed decisions on how to manage risks related to Covid-19 while planning their holidays during this summer and onwards.

The Re-open EU ( ) platform is part of the Commission’s Tourism and Transport package which was launched to rebuild confidence among travellers within Europe and help tourism resume safely, in line with the necessary health precautions. It allows people to browse country-specific information, updates and advice for each EU Member State through an interactive map. It’s easily accessible via mobile app or website, and also available in the 24 official EU languages.

EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton said: “After weeks of confinement, EU internal borders are reopening. The Re-open EU website we are launching today will provide travellers with easy access to information to help them confidently make their travel plans and stay safe during their trip. It will also help small restaurant and hotel owners, as well as towns across Europe, draw inspiration from innovative solutions developed by others.”

EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and responsible for the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Mariya Gabriel said: “Europe’s vast and rich cultural heritage is one of our major assets. But with no possibility to travel and with most venues closed these past months, culture and tourism have been hit hard. The Re-open EU platform provides up to date, essential information so that we can start exploring Europe safely again”.

Also launching, is Europe’s digital cultural platform, Europeana, Discovering Europe ( ), a collection of art works and photographs of some of Europe’s most iconic landmarks. Also, a dedicated tourism hub will be created on Europeana Pro ( ) to help cultural heritage professionals discover initiatives supporting tourism throughout the EU.


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