articles | 12 April 2024 | Patrikios Legal

It Is Always A Pleasure For Us To Be Pursuing Our Clients’ Best Interests, Even Under The Tightest Deadlines!

We, as Patrikios Legal, often leave our achievements within the court rooms, and let instead all 60+ years of our experience, expertise and presence speak for themselves!

We, as Patrikios Legal, often leave our achievements within the court rooms, and let instead all 60+ years of our experienceexpertise and presence speak for themselves!

Today, though, was a great day for us, and we are very delighted to share with all our esteemed clients and colleagues that our Executive Chairman, Stavros Pavlou, FCIArb, Bsc (Econ), Barrister, TEP, along with Associate,Eleni Dionysiou appeared before the District Court of Limassol and managed to set aside proceedings, in the context of which ex-parte prohibitory interim orders were issued against our clients on an alleged improperly concluded redomiciliation process.

Our team showed extreme responsiveness to all matters raised and rolled their sleeves up and got the best possible results for our clients within only one week. Last Friday we requested to be heard as a matter of urgency by the Court, since it was our position that the Court lacked jurisdiction to hear the specific case. Four days later we had a hearing where we set out our position that, inter alia, the consent of the Cyprus Registrar of Companies for the redomiciliation of a company either to or from Cyprus, is an administrative act which can only be challenged before the AdministrativeCourt, and not before a DistrictCourt, by a party who can prove to have locus standi in the redomiciliation process, in accordance with the provisions of Article 146 of the Cyprus Constitution. The Court reserved its judgment for today, minded of the nature and effect of the interim orders in place. The Court’s judgment was finally issued in our favour and as a result the claim, including the prohibitory interim orders, have been set aside.

It is always a pleasure for us to be pursuing our clients’ best interests, even under the tightest deadlines!

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  • Logo for Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism